Open Autolinks in New Window

If you only care about auto links (links that just appear in the text and arent defined as foo or ), you can set the OpenInNewWindow flag:

var pipeline = new MarkdownPipelineBuilder()
    .UseAutoLinks(new AutoLinkOptions { OpenInNewWindow = true })

To get the same effect on all links, the easiest way is probably to post-process the document and add the attributes.

MarkdownDocument document = Markdown.Parse(markdown, pipeline);

foreach (LinkInline link in document.Descendants<LinkInline>())
    link.GetAttributes().AddPropertyIfNotExist("target", "_blank");

foreach (AutolinkInline link in document.Descendants<AutolinkInline>())
    link.GetAttributes().AddPropertyIfNotExist("target", "_blank");

string html = document.ToHtml(pipeline);

Also see issue

Linke breaks

To enable parse soft line breaks as hard line breaks

var pipeline = new MarkdownPipelineBuilder()


Markdig support mathematics expression. Using this code to enable it.

MarkdownPipeline pipeline = new MarkdownPipelineBuilder()

Then you can write math expression in your markdown document.


This code will be rendered as:

\[ \sum_{k=0}^{log_4^N}\frac{3}{4^k}Nk \]
   a & b \\
   c & d

This code will be rendered as:

\[ \begin{array}{cc} a & b \\ c & d \end{array} \]