Markdig Usage Examples
Open Autolinks in New Window
If you only care about auto links (links that just appear in the text and arent defined as foo or
var pipeline = new MarkdownPipelineBuilder()
.UseAutoLinks(new AutoLinkOptions { OpenInNewWindow = true })
To get the same effect on all links, the easiest way is probably to post-process the document and add the attributes.
MarkdownDocument document = Markdown.Parse(markdown, pipeline);
foreach (LinkInline link in document.Descendants<LinkInline>())
link.GetAttributes().AddPropertyIfNotExist("target", "_blank");
foreach (AutolinkInline link in document.Descendants<AutolinkInline>())
link.GetAttributes().AddPropertyIfNotExist("target", "_blank");
string html = document.ToHtml(pipeline);
Also see issue
Linke breaks
To enable parse soft line breaks as hard line breaks
var pipeline = new MarkdownPipelineBuilder()
Markdig support mathematics expression. Using this code to enable it.
MarkdownPipeline pipeline = new MarkdownPipelineBuilder()
Then you can write math expression in your markdown document.
This code will be rendered as:
a & b \\
c & d
This code will be rendered as:
a & b \\
c & d